March 16, 2009

Why Blog

I'm doing this blog for diverse and sundry reasons. One of the main reasons is that I've got a suspicion, nay, a hunch, that there is a way to use this forum to find folks whose aims align with mine and reel 'em in for us to join forces. So you ask, "What aims are those?" And I answer ye thus:

Renegade Minstrels are on a mission

1. to reinvigorate both language & popular music through the use of riveting, crystalline words in moving songs.

2. to contribute to the mighty river that is blues music by bringing new innovations to the form--by acting as a transformative agent in American music (which, at its core, IS blues music), and not simply being a modern culmination of what's come before.

3. to make music that helps folks hold on and hold up throughout those low down and lonesome days that most everyone seems bound to face.

Now, you being a rational & practical being, may say, "Whoa, there, Joe--ambitious, aren't we, why don't you tone it down to something more achievable?" Whereupon to you I say: I'd rather try to do too much and fail than be so cautious that someday I end up looking back and saying, "Why did I only reach that far?"

So one reason I'm blogging is because it's one of the best routes available for building a fanbase and for tapping into potential for collaborators.

There are other reasons too, which I may write upon some other day.

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