Songwriters and writers of any sort, please steal freely from these, the raw content of lyrics that I'm chiseling down and reworking relentlessly into a song. If you want to give me co-writing credit though, that's cool.
I should also mention that I don't use the phrase "hollow cost" lightly here, I'm using the extreme resonance of the sound of that phrase to point out that we are not truly facing the many drastic ills afflicting us. My next post will explicitly state why I believe the phrase isn't overkill, but
the only appropriate phrase to be used for my purposes.
Verse 1
Look out mothers cause I'm gettin explicit
Flow relentless as cold thunder driven rains
And the gnawing flood of peoples that drained this land's natives away.
Swindle upon swindle punctuated by massacres
between promises and exiles the reservations blur
While underneath it all there lies the land
The land they were forced from before
we forsaked them and it--
the land we must embrace
if ever our ways become legit.
It sounds like my rhymes are internal but look out
what I spit rhymes with what's around you eternally.
Hear yer preacher braying "What he speaks is infernal!"
But only our better angels are conversant with me.
It takes gumption great as Lincoln's to face these onslaughts today,
Blues greater than his will grip [you] if you can't embrace the array.
I live where the culture's all imported
Cause we done drowned out the native life
Through technologies all senses get distorted
Like time distilled our artifacts of strife.
What's tacky's all that's soulful in these nowhere towns out west
Meanwhile diverse eyes keep lookin' doleful in this land I know the best.
Don't we all crave and pave over this land of false named "Indians."
the resilient indians
whose name was falsely given
who knew the value of the land
Verse 2
Slavery, our unoriginal sin
isn't over here when
I pour out some of my fifth for those descendants
of the liberated slaves
of whom more than a fifth now strive
in a prison or a ghetto
thronging thicker than sin
striking deeper than stillettos
Like fine rock scoured off mountains down through plains and valleys,
the spirits pour through churches and alleys
Whores, hip tappers, hustlers, trappers, pimps
loose sailors, cheap players and rich nymphs--
let's put together a grand get together
that drives these sterile blues clean away
and breed a whole new brand 'o blues.
This is not my land we live in now.
It's a flat graveyard that once knew the plow.
The fiery gumption must now blaze anew.
Let's do this in New Orleanian fashion
and get the lewd and their lush piano ticklers
roaring forth from out the bawdy doors.
Verse 3
The driveby media done riddled another demographic with a constricting perspective.
We zoom in through so little so quick there's no space for contemplation.
Folks crave a scene with constant happenings,
some feel that goin on online.
But most of you can shift yer pixels all you please
What you fawn over often feels thinner than 2D.
and for all the acres I can click through
it still feels hard to get through to
somewhere something's meaningful to me.
In congress, on screen, out back and all over disunion
you watch the faces change while all else remains the same
Language continues its warp
but it's viewed as no more than a tool,
all too rarely made to resonate
or renovate the ways we think.
Language must outpace technology.
This is why my hope is smaller than microbes growing
in a wide eyed infant's drop of useless drool.
The currents ripple wickedly
cross breeding aims resonate
our oligarchy smiles indulgently
bemused at the flailing outrage.
They fold their hands
and go on as they please.
It's hard being elegant and simple
stifling simplemindedness won't do.
A roar is pounding through the temples
Like the northern line barreling through.
the way it is now money means more freedom
and this means money's hard to come by,
thus freedom's far from cheap.
The currents ripple wicked dragging
these flagging hopes off course
let the winds take you
or else take what calls to you, by force
It's hard to gauge the depth and breadth of the disorders--
Fiscal and attention deficits yawnin wide.
Sure as greed begets swindlers repetition kindles affinity
Mass and volume drown out value and values.
Overseas blues got families displaced n driven away
Like a silent dust storm blown in from back in the day
The crises mount like dark clouds piling over yonder
Aimless swells of anger can't be drained away without cold thought
Sure as there's only so much New Orleans' levies were built to bear.
Now that clamping catastrophes have got loose can non attention spans caught
We may just damp disaster's fuse before too many more flash out n' flare.
Like so much else, this all remains under-understood.
By we who cannot face how many profits stifle good.
How do you strive for progress when the tides decree we aspire to the mean?
I search lady suicide bomber to choose a side 'midst the dreams
Heaped among still seething piles of bones
Oh oh the pickins are lean.
All that's certain is that we ain't gainin on too much that's been lost--
We ache n' scrape to fill in deficits of this culture's hollow costs.
All that's certain is: we ain't gainin much of all that's been long lost--
We ache n' scrape to fill the deficits of this culture's hollow costs.
Breathe in fuming airwaves shiv'ring thick as traffic exhaust
Strain to fuse and ache to pay this culture's hollow costs.